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Herzing University Minneapolis Campus

Focused Possibilities

Formed from two previous schools, including the Lakeland Medical-Dental Academy, Herzing Minneapolis brings state-of-the-industry healthcare, nursing, and technology education to the Twin Cities with our new campus facility in St. Louis Park.

软件下载也相信回馈社会,通过软件下载低成本的牙科诊所 dental hygiene and dental assisting 学生可以为社区的病人提供基本的牙科服务. 发现如何与令人兴奋的职业机会和动态联系起来, hands-on community of learners—at Herzing Minneapolis.

NOW ENROLLING for our "Dental Assisting to Dental Hygiene degree pathway.“你可以在4年内同时获得副学士学位和学士学位, providing you with a distinct competitive advantage. Take the next step and call (612) 360-2484 to schedule your personal tour or our new campus.

Herzing University

Minneapolis Campus

Visit us

435 Ford Road St. Louis Park, MN 55426


Programs available at the Minneapolis Campus or through Herzing University Online

Your results...

School of Nursing Programs

Healthcare Programs

Behavioral Health Programs

Business Programs

Public Safety Programs

Technology Programs

Legal Studies Programs

Your results...

School of Nursing Programs

Healthcare Programs

Behavioral Health Programs

Business Programs

Public Safety Programs

Technology Programs

Legal Studies Programs

1赫京大学被批准通过与麦迪逊主校区合作,以在线学习方式提供课程, Wisconsin.


Meet our Campus President

Herzing Regional President Jeff Hill

Dr. 杰夫·希尔(Jeff Hill)是一位屡获殊荣的仆人式领袖,他是赫zing大学明尼阿波利斯分校和威斯康辛分校的校园校长. 他在高等教育领域工作超过15年,对积极影响学生的成功和超越机构目标充满热情.

杰夫拥有高等教育和组织发展博士学位, 工商管理硕士学位和工商管理理学学士学位.  在他的职业生涯中,他一直在各种高级领导职位上表现出色,并被他的激情所驱动,以创造不同, 帮助他的员工取得成功和他对持续改进的不懈追求.

Jeff is “always happy, 但从不满足”,并用他积极的态度和精力充沛的风格创造了一个促进团队合作的环境,并坚定地致力于实现机构的使命. He is a truly authentic leader who defines himself through his work. 杰夫很幸运能和他结婚近20年的妻子和3个孩子一起生活,他几乎所有的空闲时间都和他们在一起,要么做运动,要么互相逗笑.

Jeff Hill Regional Director

Jeff Hill

Regional President

Classes Start July 8th

Waived Enrollment Fee

Frequently Asked Questions

Herzing University is dedicated to YOU. Here at Herzing, we are career-focused, convenient and caring. 软件下载的专业护理课程旨在帮助您以合理的价格实现您想要的护理职业.

Herzing offers diploma, 8个州11个不同校区的本科和研究生护理学位以及软件下载的在线课程, so you can choose the program and location.

But don’t take our word for it! Hear from current and graduated students 谁同意赫岑帮助他们实现了他们的教育和职业目标.

Tuition, fees, and expenses varies widely by program. After determining your program of interest, you can use our Tuition Wizard to find an initial estimate.

You are never alone! We offer many possibilities for financial aid for those who qualify, including scholarships and grants, loan options, VA/military benefits, and much more.

No, we do not have dormitories. 软件下载建议学生住在靠近校园的房子里,有合适的交通工具,这样他们就可以去学校上课和开会.

We have 6 start dates spread across full year-round study, resulting in start dates about every two months. Semesters last for 16 weeks (about 4 months) each.

You can view our academic calendar 查看即将到来的一般开学日期和其他需要记住的重要日期. We offer rolling admissions with no application deadlines.

请记住,开学日期因幸运28计划而异,某些幸运28计划对新生的开放数量有限. Your best bet is to contact admissions to confirm how soon you can enroll and start your new career path.

Herzing University是由高等教育委员会认证的区域性大学 软件下载的许多幸运28计划都有专门的幸运28计划认证.  For more details about accreditation, visit: embed link:

夜校或夜校的可用性因课程和班级类型而异. 通识教育课程通常可以按照你的时间表在网上完成. 在某些情况下,某些课堂作业或考试可能需要固定的登录时间.

软件下载努力工作,为你在工作上的成功做好充分的准备,并提供尽可能多的灵活性,以实现正确的幸运28计划平衡. 软件下载的招生团队可以帮助你确定你可以在晚上完成多少课程.

No, we are not a for-profit university. Herzing University is a nonprofit educational institution as of 2015.

I can’t wait to get started. Here’s to the future!

Deepthi Nambala

Deepthi Nambala

Healthcare Program

Minneapolis Campus

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